发布时间:2021-12-09 13:13:00
姓名 |
朱孟潇 |
性别 |
女 |
职称/职务 |
特任研究员 |
出生年月 |
1980年3月 |
最高学历 |
博士 |
固定电话 |
0551-63601302 |
工作单位 (至院、系、所) |
中国科学技术大学人文学院科技传播系 |
联系地址 |
邮箱 |
mxzhu@ustc.edu.cn |
教育背景 |
199609-200106 中国 中国科学技术大学 科技英语 理学士 199609-200106 中国 中国科学技术大学 计算机科学 工学士 200109-200406 中国 中国科学技术大学 计算机科学 硕士 200509-200706 美国 伊利诺伊大学香槟分校(University of Illinois, at Urbana-Champaign) 传播学 硕士 200709-201208 美国 西北大学(Northwestern University) 工业工程与管理 博士 |
研究方向 |
计算社会学,大数据分析,社会网络分析,计算传播学,数据挖掘与人工智能,个性化学习与学习分析,计算机化评测, 科学教育与智能反馈
任职经历 |
201209-201306 美国 罗格斯大学(Rutgers University) 博士后研究员(Postdoctoral Research Associate) 201307-201602 美国 美国教育考试中心(Educational Testing Service) 副研究员(Associate Research Scientist) 201603-202011 美国 美国教育考试中心(Educational Testing Service) 研究员(Research Scientist) 202012-至今 中国 中国科学技术大学 特任研究员 |
主持、参与 项目 |
主持 · 国家自然科学基金委面上项目:基于过程性数据的在线合作解决问题能力建模分析与个性化干预机制研究(47万,2022-2025) · 中科大第三批“学术领军人才培养计划” A 档:基于大数据的传播行为与融媒体刻画研究(100万,2022-2024) · 中科大引进人才科研启动项目:计算社会学与计算传播学的研究方法与应用(100万,2021-2023) 参与 · 科技部国家重点研发项目:面向终身学习的个性化“数字教师”智能体技术研究与应用(4940万,项目骨干,子课题负责人,2021-2024) · 科技部国家重点研发项目:主流价值观内容认知与精准传播建模理论及系统平台(2000万,项目骨干,子课题负责人,2021-2024)
荣誉、奖项 |
科研成果 (论文、著作、 专利等) |
1. Zhu, M., Liu, O. L., & Lee, H.-S. (2020). Using cluster analysis to explore students’ interactions with automated feedback in an online earth science task. The International Journal of Quantitative Research in Education, 5(2), 111-135. 2. Zhu, M., Andrews-Todd, J., & Zhang, M. (2020). Application of Network Analysis in Understanding Collaborative Problem Solving Processes and Skills. In H. Jiao & R. W. Lissitz (Eds.), Innovative Psychometric Modeling and Methods (pp. 69–89). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publisher. 3. Zhu, M., Liu, O. L., & Lee, H.-S. (2020). The effect of automated feedback on revision behavior and learning gains in formative assessment of scientific argument writing. Computers & Education, 143, 103668. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compedu.2019.103668 4. Zhu, M., & Todd, J. A. (2019). Understanding the Connections of Collaborative Problem Solving Skills in a Simulation-based Task through Network Analysis. In The Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL 2019). Lyon, France. 5. Zhu, M., Zhang, M., & Deane, P. (2019). Analysis of Keystroke Sequences in Writing Logs. ETS Research Report Series (RR-19-11). 6. Zhu, M., & Zhang, M. (2017). Network analysis of conversation data for engineering professional skills assessment. ETS Research Report Series (RR-17-59). 7. Shu, Z., Bergner, Y., Zhu, M., & Hao, J. (2017). An item response theory analysis of problem-solving processes in scenario-based tasks. Psychological Test and Assessment Modeling, 59(1), 109–131. 8. Zhu, M., Lee, H.-S., Wang, T., Liu, O. L., Belur, V., & Pallant, A. (2017). Investigating the impact of automated feedback on students’ scientific argumentation. International Journal of Science Education, 39(12), 1648–1668. 9. Zhu, M., Liu, O. L., Mao, L., & Pallant, A. (2016). Use of Automated Scoring and Feedback in Online Interactive Earth Science Tasks. In Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE Integrated STEM Education Conference. Princeton, NJ. 10. Zhu, M., & Zhang, M. (2016). Examining the patterns of communication and connections among engineering professional skills in group discussion: A network analysis approach. In Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE Integrated STEM Education Conference. Princeton, NJ. 11. Zhu, M., Shu, Z., & von Davier, A. A. (2016). Using networks to visualize and analyze process data for educational assessment. Journal of Educational Measurement, 53(2), 190–211. 12. Bergner, Y., Andrews, J. J., Zhu, M., & Gonzales, J. E. (2016). Agent-based modeling of collaborative problem solving. ETS Research Report Series (RR-16-27). Princeton, NJ. 13. Zhu, M., Kuskova, V., Wasserman, S., & Contractor, N. (2016). Correspondence Analysis of Multirelational Multilevel Network Affiliations: Analysis and Examples. In E. Lazega & T. Snijders (Eds.), Multilevel Network Analysis for the Social Sciences - Theory, Methods and Applications. Springer. 145–172. 14. Zhu, M., Bergner, Y., Zhang, Y., Baker, R., Wang, Y., Paquette, L., & Barnes, T. (2016). Longitudinal Engagement, Performance, and Social Connectivity : a MOOC Case Study Using Exponential Random Graph Models. In Proceeding of the 6th International Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference (LAK ’16). Edinburgh, UK:ACM. 15. Zhu, M., & Feng, G. (2015). An exploratory study using social network analysis to model eye movements in mathematics problem solving. In Proceeding of the 5th International Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference (LAK ’15). Poughkeepsie, NY: ACM. 16. Zhu, M., Huang, Y., & Contractor, N. S. (2013). Motivations for self-assembling into project teams. Social Networks, 35(2), 251-264. 17. Huang, Y., Zhu, M., Wang, J., Pathak, N., Shen, C., Keegan, B., & Contractor, N. (2009, August 29-31). The formation of task-oriented groups: Exploring combat activities in online games. The 2009 IEEE International Conference on Social Computing (SociaICom-09), Vancouver, Canada. 18. Zhu, M., & Contractor, N. (2009, May 21-25). Work and life: The role of networks in the emergency response organizations. The 59th annual conference of the International Communication Association, Chicago, IL. 19. Foucault, B., Zhu, M., Huang, Y., Atrash, Z., & Contractor, N. (2009, May 21-25). Will you be my friend? An exploration of adolescent friendship formation online in teen second life. The 59th annual conference of the International Communication Association, Chicago, IL. 20. Xiao, W., Ren, J., Qi, F., Song, Z., Zhu, M., Yang, H., Jin, H., Wang, B, & Zhou, T. (2007). Empirical study on clique-degree distribution of networks. Physical Review E, 76:037102. 21. Arnold, S., Knapp, J., Rittenberg, J. L., Spilker, P., Walker, L., Zhu, M., & Clark, R. A. (2006, November 16-19). Flirtatious utterances: Reactions as a function at the sex of the initiator of the flirt and of the observer. 2006 NCA Annual Convention, San Antonio, TX. 22. Zhu, M., & Cai, Q. (2004). Network character of coloring problems. Computer Science, 31(7), 23-25 (in Chinese). 23. Zhu, M., Song, Z., & Cai Q. (2004). Simulated annealing based AER model and its applications. Journal of Computer Software, 14(4), 537-544 (in Chinese). 24. Cai, Z., Zhu, M., & Wang, X. (2003). Design of a web query language TWebSQL. 5th Joint AEARU Workshop on Web Technology and Computer Science, Tsukuba, Japan. 25. Zhu, M., Cai, Z. & Cai, Q. (2003). Automatic keywords extraction of Chinese document using small world structure. 2003 IEEE International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering (NLP-KE'03), Beijing.